With the optional H8186-CB Communications Board, the H81xx Series energy meters connect easily to control/data systems networks using BACnet protocol. The H8186-CB reports energy and power diagnostic information including kW, kWh, kVAR, PF, amps, volts, and more. The H8186-CB is easy to install in the field. On-board switches provide a convenient means of setting network configuration parameters such as baud rate. Status LEDs provide quick confirmation of successful installation.
- Commercial tenant submetering
- Performance contracting
- Cost allocation
- Real-time power monitoring through control/data acquisition systems
- Easily network to existing systems via RS-485 connection
- Works with 2-wire systems*
- Field-selectable baud rate: 2400, 4800, 9600, or 19200
- Measure interval demand and sub-interval demand