Intuitive Cloud Based Monitoring!!

Sentinel Pro

Comparison Chart

Basic Ethernet Premium Ethernet
Email check mark check mark
Text Message x check mark
Phone x check mark
Iphone/Android App check mark check mark
Live Status & Readings check mark check mark
Programming on the cloud check mark check mark
Escalations; High, Low, other check mark check mark
Alarm Reset check mark check mark
Data Logging & Storage 30 Days of Logs Unlimited
Event Log 30 Days of Logs Unlimited
Auditing x check mark
Graphing check mark check mark
Automated Reports x check mark
Supervised check mark check mark
Web API Access x check mark
SSL Data Encryption check mark check mark
Multiple Alert Recepients check mark check mark
Multiple User Logins check mark check mark
View All Devices at Once check mark check mark
No Monthly Fee
No Contract