Voltage transients on a power supply bus result from excessive fluctuations in prime power source voltage, loss of integral voltage regulation, maladjustments, series regulator faults, etc. The new LVC Series sense when a DC over voltage occurs and switches rapidly from an "open" to a virtual "short" circuit. Any potentially destructive energy from resultant transients is now provided with a very low resistance path around sensitive components such as ICs, transistors, etc. The crowbar will automatically reset when the current is removed.

New Product Line "CB08" (Click here for more information)

LVC Surge Protection products

Model Voltage Amp Rating Datasheet Installation Instructions
CB08 (More Info) 3V to 360V 20A PDF PDF
LVC 7.5V 7A, 25A & 55A PDF PDF for 7A Installations
LVC 18V 7A, 25A & 55A PDF PDF for 25A Installations
LVC 30V 7A, 25A & 55A PDF PDF for 55A Installations

Mil Spec and other trip voltages available. Consult factory. 1-800-851-1508

Made in the USA UL Listed, CE, NEMA LS1