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ATL (Analog Input to (4) Adjustable Relay Output)

Product data sheet: pdfATL.pdf
Product Instruction: pdfATL.pdf
Product photo: image picATL.png
Product Dimensions: pdfM0000216
Rev 1.pdf
dxf picM0000216
Rev 1.dxf

The ATL accepts an analog voltage or current input signal and controls four relays. Each relay has an adjustable trip point which is set by a multi-turn trimmer potentiometer. Each relay is activated when the input signal is equal to or greater than the trip point setting. The relays reactivate at trip point less the deadband (3% standard, 1% & 10% optional). Common (C), Normally Open (NO)and Normally Closed (NC) terminals are available at each relay. The ATL can also accept a resistance input by using voltage divider applications. The ATL is covered by ACI's Two (2) Year Limited Warranty.