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PTA (PWM to Analog [Voltage or Current] Output)

Product data sheet: pdfPTA.pdf
Product instruction: pdfPTA.pdf
Product photo: image picPTA.png
Product Dimensions: pdfM0000234
Rev 1.pdf
dxf picM0000234
Rev 1.dxf

The PTA converts a single pulse-width modulated input to an analog current or voltage output. A timed contact or solid state closure from the controlling microprocessor controller is converted to a linear analog output signal with 256 steps of resolution. The last output signal is held until the PTA receives the end of the next pulsed input signal. The PTA’s output will not wrap around if an excessively long input pulse is received. Ten preset analog output signal spans are DIP switch selectable. In addition, the span and offset potentiometer offer maximum user adjustment of the output signal. The input signal is optically isolated and can accept either positive or negative polarity. The PTA is covered by ACI's Two (2) Year Limited Warranty.