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PTA2 (PWM to Analog [Voltage or Current] Output)

Product data sheet: pdfPTA2.pdf
Product instruction: pdfPTA2.pdf
Product photo: image picPTA2.png
Product Dimensions: pdfM0000235
Rev 1.pdf
dxf picM0000235
Rev 1.dxf

The PTA2 accepts a timed contact, or solid state closure, from a microprocessor controller and converts it to a linear analog output with 255 steps of resolution. The PTA2 will not wrap around if an excessively long pulse is received. Four input pulse rates are jumper selectable. The input signal is optically isolated and can accept either positive or negative polarity. The PTA2 includes triac adapter circuitry ( jumper selectable) for a triac input. The PTA2 has a jumper selectable manual override which will allow modulation of the output between 0-10VDC to verify proper operation of the controlled device. The last output signal is held until the PTA2 receives the end of the next pulsed input signal. The PTA2 is covered by ACI's Two (2) Year Limited Warranty.