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RC2100 (Boiler Receiver/Controller)

Product data sheet: pdfRC2100.pdf
Product instruction: pdfRC2100.pdf
Product photo: image picRC2100.png

The RC2100 series wireless heating system controller utilizes reliable MESHNET900™ technology. Together with the ACI WT2630A wireless space sensors and OST2630 wireless outside air temperature (OSA) sensors, the RC2100 controller will control the boiler system based on the average space temperature (up to 12 zones) and wireless outside air temperature. If the OSA temperature is below OSA setpoint and the average temperature is lower than the average space temperature set point, the heating system will be activated after a preset time delay (adjustable) by a relay output from the RC2100 controller to the boiler control system. The RC2100 provides maximum flexibility with extensive system adjustability, sensor selectability, alarms and reliable wireless sensor capability. The maximum radio transmission distance is dependent on building type. The maximum open-air transmission distance is one mile. In a typical commercial building with steel I-beam construction, concrete floors with reinforcing rod, and metal stud walls, it can be expected that transmissions will penetrate vertically through floors and horizontally through 200 to 500 feet of walls, furniture and air. The RC2100 is covered by ACI's Two (2) Year Limited Warranty.