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A/MCS  Buy Now

Product data sheet: pdfMini Fixed Switches.pdf
Product instruction: pdfMCS.pdf
Product photo: image picA/MCS.png
Product Dimensions: pdfMini Solid Core
Fixed Rev 1.pdf
dxf picMini Solid Core
Fixed Rev 1.dxf

Built smaller for tight applications!

The A/MCS and A/MSCS are miniature “Go/No Go” current status switches designed to replace relays in most applications. These switches are small in stature, allowing for tight installations. The output of the A/MCS and the A/MSCS current switches functions as a N/O switch, activated by the amount of sensed AC current. The output of these switches uses a N/O solid-state switch (more reliable than a relay) and is non-polarity sensitive. These units perform in any application where the amount of AC current flow is sufficient to indicate the operating status of the sensed load. The A/MCS and A/MSCS Series are covered by ACI's Five (5) Year Limited Warranty.

The A/MCS is a solid-core sensor which induces power from the conductor being monitored and require no external power. It has a fixed trip point of below 0.20A. When the current in the conductor exceeds this threshold, the sensor will be “Closed.” The sensor will indicate “Open” when the current is interrupted or falls to 0A. These units perform in any application where the amount of AC current flow is sufficient to indicate the operating status of the sensed load.