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CO2-VEN (Has RH and Temp Options)

Product data sheet: pdfCO2-VEN.pdf
Product instruction: pdfCO2-VEN Instruction.pdf
Product photo: image picCO2-VEN.gif
Additional Information: pdfCO2 Cross Reference.pdf

The CO2-VEN series monitors CO2 levels in industrial and living environments from 0 to 2,000 ppm. They also offer the installation flexibility of adding analog relative humidity and temperature sensors in a single wall-mounted enclosure. The CO2-VEN series offers increased flexibility in other areas as well. The enclosure is offered in either white or black and has a locking screw to secure the cover. It offers multiple analog outputs of 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 5 VDC, and 0 to10 VDC. There is also an optional LCD available for certain models. The concentration of CO2 is measured using a Single Beam/Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) Absorption sensing method. The CO2 transmitter is also equipped with a patented ABC LogicTM (Automatic Background Calibration) software which virtually eliminates the need for manual calibration in applications where indoor CO2 level drops to outside levels during unoccupied periods. The ABC LogicTM will not work properly in applications where the space is left unoccupied for less than 4 hours a day or where there are industrial sources of CO2. The CO2-VEN is covered by ACI's Two (2) Year Limited Warranty.