AIM2 Re-Scaleable Isolation Module
Product data sheet: | AIM2.pdf | |
Product instruction: | AIM2.pdf | |
Product photo: | AIM2.png | |
Product Dimensions: | M0000211 Rev 1.pdf |
M0000211 Rev 1.dxf |
The AIM2 optically isolates the analog (voltage or current) signal to the device being controlled. The AIM2 will accept any input signals between 0 and 20 volts, or 0 and 20 mA, and output any signal within those ranges.
The AIM2 has preset or adjustable inputs, and preset or adjustable outputs, that can be either voltage or current. The current signals on the input or output, can be either sink or source. The AIM2 requires one external 24 VAC transformer for power. It has an on-board 24 VAC isolation transformer to supply power to the isolated output. The unit has LED status indicators for both power supplies.